Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cat for Sale

Ok there is no cat for sale but I have learned that I need to keep Allison's door closed whenever we are not in her room. This is the second day in a row that Cassidy's cat has pee-pee'd on Allison's bed. I'm starting to get angry and there may not be a cat when Cassi gets home from school one day. I'm just saying. I think Cassi thinks it's funny, she says the cat is jealous because Allison gets her own room and the cat doesn't. She's a cat, she claims everything and she's not trained so she goes to the bathroom everywhere. So I'm washing Allison's bedding again, and from now on her door stays closed. Unless she's asleep in there, then I keep it open.
In other news, I've started the process of teaching Allison to sleep in her own room. Right now she falls asleep laying on the floor next to me in her room and then I trasfer her to her bed. But the first couple of nights she cried and screamed for anyone but me for 2-3 hours. Last night she only cried and screamed for 45 minutes until she gave up. But she does not sleep through the night. Does anyone else have an almost 2 year old who wakes up 2-4 times a night? I do not understand why she does this. I do play soft classical music in her room most of the night and I keep a fan running on low for the white noise and I keep a night light on in her room all night long. These things seem to help. My next step is getting her to fall asleep in her new bed and not on the floor next to me. That will be a difficult thing to do. The funny thing is that Jason has been wanting Allison out of our room for over a year now and now that I'm doing it he misses her. Who'd of thunk that I would be the strong one and Jason would be the soft one. At night when Allison cries she calls for dada and if daddy happens to come in to the room he will take her out and into our room which defeats the purpose of what I'm trying to accomplish. Maybe this time next week Allison will be falling asleep without me lying next to her.
Does anyone have any advice on getting Allison to sleep without me lying next to her?? Or should I just close the door and let her scream and cry until she tires herself out?? Feedback would be nice:) Until next time....

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