Well, I think I'm in a funk and it's time for a change. I need to start exercising again atleast three times a day. I've just got to get motivated to do it. I guess the motivation should be to lose 30 pounds right? That's what I want to lose, I have lost 5 pounds, from not eating nearly as much as I used to. But I'm not necessarily changing my diet, just eating less. It's hard to change my diet with a 2 year old and how expensive it is to do so in the first place. I've got a gym membership, I need to use it. I've also got the Wii Fit and quite a few workout tapes. I just never feel I'm doing the tapes right, and I don't feel I'm getting any results on the Wii Fit. I don't feel like I've worked out after I've done it for 30 minutes. Hmm.....I think I'm going to try to Wii Fit again, and make it my goal to workout on it 5 days a week for a month and see if I've managed to lose anything.
But I'm also in a baby funk. I wold like to try to have another baby but my husband is a no go. I'm not going to try without him on board and I do not think he will ever be on board. I don't understand why since he grew up with a much bigger family then myself. I would like Allison to have one sibling atleast. I would be fine with two children. I just don't want Allison to be alone like I was, but at this rate I think she will be alone. Either that or she'll be 5 years older then her sibling, if he ever wants another child. I hate these baby blues, I really wish they would flee from my thoughts for more than a week!!
Well those are my thoughts and this is why I need to change my routine and habits. Maybe I'll be a happier and much better person to be around then. So, I think I will start writing about my Wii Fit status every time I workout on it and I will weigh in every week to see if I've lost anything. I'm also thinking about the Special K challenge. Two challenges in one!! Only time will tell.
Hey do those wii fit posts...I want to know if it works well as a fitness program:) Plus maybe it will feel more like a game than working out.