Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quite a Long Time

Wow, it has been quite a long time since I've posted anything. I don't get on the computer too much anymore. Having a now 3 year old keeps you pretty busy. Well, I try to keep her pretty busy with playdates, or library outings, or park outings, or just playing inside with toys and watching movies. This will probably be the last for a long while to come as well. Because soon we will be adding a baby boy to the mix. I have a scheduled c-section set for November 8th. I'm 35 weeks now and he'll be born at 39 weeks unless I go into labor earlier, which I am all for. But who knows what's in store. We still have no name for him. Alright, well my husband and daughter have named him "krakken" which is his in utero name and they want his name to be Chewbacca.'s cute, but mommy is vetoing that as his name. That will not be put on his birth certificate. But we're discussing names and hoping the lord gives us the poke we need that tells us that "that is his name". Haven't felt that nudge yet though.
All in All we had a good summer. I just had to indure being prenant the whole summer and I think summer has decided to come back for another round here in October. Cassidy went off to college this fall as well, and my daughter misses her aunt so very much. we didn't do much of anything this summer, but next summer we are planning a vacation!!! a much needed vacation, with the kids. i can not leave a 6 month old home without me at that age. my husband wants to desperately go on a cruise but it'll have to wait another few years. so we're thinking Mount Rushmore and the city next to it, or maybe we can do Niagra Falls?? we want to go somewhere out of state for a week at the most. we just need to get out of the state of Illinois and out of this town. We'd rather go on a vacation then visit family. we do have family, but we don't really consider that vacation.
hopefully i'll blog once this baby boy comes!

1 comment:

  1. Vacation and a trip to visit family are definitely two different things!
