Thursday, January 27, 2011

So Help Me!

Mothers, I need advice. I have tried everything I can think of to keep my 3 year old daughter from smuthering, laying on top of, putting her face in, and hugging too much of her two month old baby brother. I try pulling her off and putting her in timeout. I've tried yelling and I've tried threatening to take things away and none of it works. The poor baby boy just puts up with it and I feel horrible for him. I'm worried one of these times she might hurt him.
I'm told she is just wanting attention. But the thing is I give her more attention then I do her little brother. I put him down all the time to play with her and give her the attention she wants. The baby ends up faling asleep because he doesn't get nearly enough stimulation. He shouldn't sleep as much as he does but it's because his sister is too demanding. I'm glad that the boy is a zen baby for the most part.
I'm sad that the girl has decided to give up her naps! I really need her to take those naps to give me a chance to just breathe, because if she doesn't get a nap I'm constatly being bothered. And it's non stop. You'd think that by now she's learned to play by herself with her toys.
Well, I have to atleaat force some quiet time onto her so she can take a breather. Maybe then I can get a cat nap or watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy. No more WONDER PETS!!!!

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