Monday, January 28, 2013

End of year, beginning of new year

So it's been awhile. I prefer to read blogs then post blogs. Christmas was good. We scaled back on presents and it was nice. The kids have been kids, as usual. They fight with eachother a lot. Paul has decided to start potty training himself which is AWESOME!!! He started to do it around 2 years old. He is now 2 years and 2 months. I don't push him. If he wants to go he'll go. But I will have to push it a little bit eventually. But he's a good kid. He is above average in development and average in vocabulary. He loves to cuddle and eat and play by himself and with other people. Allison is still in preschool. she'll start kindergarden in the fall. I did not know HOW MUCH CRAP you have to fill out to get them into school. It's ridiculous!!! but she's a smart girl. We've already been working with her on writing words. Mostly 3 letter words, but she can write long words as well. I'm hoping this will be an easy stepping stone for teaching her how to read, which is what I want to try to start working in. I'm told she'll be ahead of the kids in her kindergarden class with the letter writing already. But since Illinois has changed guidelines for kindergarden, she will be expected more then what they expect now. Jason is going on his 6th year with Instec. He loves working there. It's great stability. But for where we live the money isn't the best. We have some other news to announce and that I will announce next month. Our lives are pretty normal. Allison is in swimming lessons once a week, and we gave Paul a break. Besides that we play with other friends and go to indoor parks and just hang out. not much really. but i like it. i know things will get busier as the kids get older but that is okay. Until later!