Monday, January 31, 2011

Sick Babies

Oh how lovely a weekend it has been. It has been a weekend of crazy high fevers with Allison and up all night with her as well. She went from alright to worse rapidly during the day on Friday. Weird thing, how come kids have no fever during the day and really high fevers at night. On top of the crazy high fevers is a very runny nose and bad cough, sore throat, and apparently her bottom hurts?? So after yet again another night up all night with a super high fever with Allison on Saturday we called the doctors office, they have weekend hours. So the verdict, just an upper respiratory infection and an ear infection. She has not been this sick for two years. She has not had an ear infection in two years either. She's on antibiotics now and is already feeling a bit better. But then she gets to be worse for another week starting in a week. She is having a routine surgery next Friday to remove her adenoids and tonsils. On top of the girl, the boy has been sick for 6 weeks now! But alas there is nothing to be done for him unless he gets a fever.
Now I get to prepare for a snow storm coming in a day or two. The last bad storm I remember living in was in 2006 when I had a miscarriage. It was one of the worst memories of my life. It was my first pregnancy and I miscarried. But God had another one for me, as I got pregnant a few weeks after I miscarried and I had a beautiful girl named Sandra Allison Jacobson. Allison is what she goes by, and three years later God game me another child named Paul Andrew Jacobson. I have two beautiful children whom I love and adore. Having sick kids comes with the package, and we love to share germs in this house as Paul got it first, followed by grandma, then Allison (who has it bad), and me (which it's pretty small), and now Jason and probably soon to be grandpa.
I'm off to make a list of things I need in case this storm gets pretty bad. We're expecting 12-18 inches of snow but there may be more or less.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

So Help Me!

Mothers, I need advice. I have tried everything I can think of to keep my 3 year old daughter from smuthering, laying on top of, putting her face in, and hugging too much of her two month old baby brother. I try pulling her off and putting her in timeout. I've tried yelling and I've tried threatening to take things away and none of it works. The poor baby boy just puts up with it and I feel horrible for him. I'm worried one of these times she might hurt him.
I'm told she is just wanting attention. But the thing is I give her more attention then I do her little brother. I put him down all the time to play with her and give her the attention she wants. The baby ends up faling asleep because he doesn't get nearly enough stimulation. He shouldn't sleep as much as he does but it's because his sister is too demanding. I'm glad that the boy is a zen baby for the most part.
I'm sad that the girl has decided to give up her naps! I really need her to take those naps to give me a chance to just breathe, because if she doesn't get a nap I'm constatly being bothered. And it's non stop. You'd think that by now she's learned to play by herself with her toys.
Well, I have to atleaat force some quiet time onto her so she can take a breather. Maybe then I can get a cat nap or watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy. No more WONDER PETS!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nap Time

Oh how I LOVE the nap time at my house. It gives me time to myself to watch whatever I want without the interruption of my daughter. But she is three and a half years old and she really doesn't need a nap. So sometimes she doesn't take a nap and goes to bed at a decent time. So I'm debating whether or not to not have naps anymore. Though not having naps leaves for an even longer day for me. I feel like the day goes on for many hours longer then it should. I guess I can just let her decide if she wants to nap or not. I think she'd rather not nap. It might just be time to let her give them up. Instead I can enforce quiet time where she sits or lays down and watches a movie.
Once she wakes up for a nap we will go over to a friends house for some play time. I am going to invite them over here next week so we can switch on and off. Except children do not understand the words STAY DOWNSTAIRS. NO UPSTAIRS. It's easier to keep track of them that way. I also think about the fact that Allison has nothing but girl toys and no boy toys, so does a 4 year old boy really want to come over to a girls house and play?? I mean even her lego's are pink. My poor baby boy will need some boy toys when he gets old enough to play. Which my husband will be very happy about. He says "boy toys" are much more fun then "girl toys". I think he's tired of playing dollhouse all the time:) But when it comes to inviting kids over to my house I'm fine with it, but I do not think I am ready to have someone drop off their child to play with Allison for me to watch two 3 year olds and a baby. I don't think I'll be ready for that for awhile. I think I'd rather have the mom come and hang out as well. That and I like having some adult time with a friend.
I'm finishing up my weekly Grey's Anatomy fix then off for a playdate.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lazy Day

It's Monday and we consider Monday's lazy days. Well, I have declared it so. I am still in my pajamas here, but I did dress my kids. So maybe I should get dressed and eat.
I feel kinda like a bad parent sometimes. I let my daughter watch movies all day on Mondays. For the most part she comes and goes and plays and watches a little bit. But I don't really care. I try to teach my daughter but she gets stressed out after 2 minutes of me trying to teach her something.
I forgot to put a diaper on my daughter last night as well. She slept all night in her underwear. She hasn't had a wet diaper at night for almost a month now anyway but I still put one on her just in case. Well, after last night I will no longer put her in diapers. So she is done with diapers! Horray!!! We've accomplished the potty completely:)
My poor baby Paul has caught this god awful cold again. He had it for a month with constant congestion and a congested cough but nothing can be done for him medicine wise since he is 2 months old. Well he got rid of it a few weeks ago, but alas it has made it's ugly return:( So suctioning of the nose, steam showers, and the humidifier is what I do for him. I say enough already and give him some medicine. Part of me hopes he gets a fever so he can get some much needed medicine.
So it's time to get dressed and eat some breakfast, while watching Happy Feet with my darling daughter. Though sometimes she's not a darling. The joys of pulling a 3 year old off of a 2 month old. She does not understand that she is too big to be putting all her weight onto her brother! I'm pretty sure whoever reads this and has other children know what I am talking about and have been there. Have a good day!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Man, I was really hoping the Bears could pull out a win in the last quarter but they got stomped on by the Packers. I'm sad by this. I wanted the Bears to pull it off. I guess that means I'm a cheesehead for the Superbowl.
We bought a new computer on sale today. On sale for a lot cheaper then it is origionally. It is nice and it has a full keyboard. It's a laptop. I prefer the laptop for the extra space it does not take up.
Well, I'm going to go cry and eat me some beef stew for dinner.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Computer Loss

I had no computer for a few days. My computer contracted several viruses a few days ago. I took it to get it fixed since the viruses attacked the firewall, antivirus software, and my internet and thus renderered the computer useless and I did not want to wipe out things I have not saved and started over again. But it's back.

We are thinking about buying a new computer. It's $800 but now it is on sale for $500 starting tomorrow for one week. I think we are going to get it. This one is getting pretty old.

Now children are hysterical. My darling daughter has mastered the art of pooping in the potty and now she loves to go to the bathroom. How does one go from being scared to poo to loving it?? The other night she refused to flush the toliet because she wanted to look at her poo. How disguisting and weird is that??? But the good news is she is now completely potty trained, for the most part. she has not even had a wet diaper since she decided to be potty trained a few weeks ago. I still can't believe all the trying to potty train didn't work, but then when she decided it was cool it took all of one day, except for pooping which took 3 more weeks. But hey now I only have to buy one set of diapers!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

One More Thing

-Ever since she had a playdate with her friends Alma and Abrams (brothers), she has up and decided to poop in the potty! And I can't forget to say that she has not had a wet diaper at night since she decided to potty train, that and she likes to go to the bathroom by herself! Such a big girl now.
-I actually think he's a little over 23 inches long. Some of his 0-3 or 3 month clothing does not fit him, but others do.

Oh one more thing....Why is it that the little girls in church dress in either a dress or a skirt/shirt combo, but little boys can go in khaki pants and a polo shirt and no one cares?? I've always had issue with this. Though Paul does go in khaki or brown pants with a button down plaid shirt. But when he gets a little bigger I will be buying him a cute mini suit!

Last thing...does anyone have anything to say about the preschools in the Naperville area?? I want to put Allison in preschool, as she is desperate to go, and I have her on two waitlists for one's NEXT Spring, but I want to put her in one starting in the fall as she'll be 4 by then. I'm thinking about doing that pre-screening thing for the new Anne Reid Educational Center off of Naper Blvd. Any thoughts Naperville moms???

Didn't forget the article

Remember the article I talked about about the atheists addicted to mormon mommy blooging? Well, here's the link:

Read it and give your own thought!

Projectile Poop!

Ever heard of projectile pooping?? Believe me I never did until now, with child number two. He's a boy and he lets you know it when you change his diaper. Not only does he have good aim when he potty's but he has good aim when he poops too!! Sometimes when I open his diaper he is already ready for me AS SOON AS HIS DIAPER IS OPEN!!!
Then there is projectile poop, which is the same as pee-pee for boys but with poo! It has happened to me, on several occations. Which promts for me to get disguisted and immediately be changed. Not only is there projectile poop with this boy but there is also Lots and Lots of blowouts!!! Seriously, Allison never had any blowouts. But I find myself soaking and washing way more clothing with this boy then I have ever done with Allison, or in my life for that matter. And when he blows he blows, all over! Thankfully it mostly gets caught in his clothes but it has managed to get onto me, if i'm holding him. Or on the bed when he's lying on my bed. Like todat for example, thought he just pooped, and not much, but when I picked him up off my bed it was through his sleeper. So he needed to be changed and so did my bed at 7:30am!!! Now he's pooped again and thus he needs to be changed. I don't know what it is but he is a champion pooper. He could be one of those babies in the Luv's commercial, really he could. But we aren't a Luv's family, I'm a Pampers or Huggies momma (mostly Pampers). But if the other is on sale I'm all over it.
Well, that was my morning in a nutshell. Now it is time to finish the morning rituals of dressing the kids and eating all within the next hour before I go to a friends for some Visiting Teaching (of me), and for some playtime for Allison and Paul. I know Paul is only 2 months old but in our ward over the winter 6 of us had 7 babies all in a 6 week period. You'd think we discussed getting pregnant together to have kids all within 6 weeks of being born of eachother. But nope, all a coincidence!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Sidenote

So I read a friends blog earlier and she talked about an article in Salon Magazine. It was an article about atheists who are addicted to reading other *more savvy* mormon mommy bloggers. Well, here's a question I bring up...
Who on Earth has time to do everything these moms do?? I'm mormon as well and I don't have a perfect little cookie cutter family and do everything else these mommy's do.

First their house is in amazing shape. Seriously with the pictures it looks like nothing is out of place. When you come over to my house it's clean, sort of. there are still toys around, but it's not spotless. I have a toddler and I newborn baby, and these moms have little ones as well, so what, do their little ones not play ever?? Or do they have a house maid or something?? I just want to know when they have time to do all their housework with what they get accomplished daily.

Second, when do they have time to do what they like to do??? I am constantly being asked to play by my daughter and I've also got an infant who needs my constant attention as well. I have no time to do anything else, and I mean ANYTHING. The only time I have to myself is nap time (and yes my 3 year old still takes naps). That is my onlt *ME* time that I get and thus the time is used to relax and take a nap myself right now, since I'm still up several times at night with my new baby Paul. Some days I don't sleep and I watch a show I like and other days I prepare my Sunday School lesson.

And Third, why do they all look like models?? Really the mommy's, daddy's, and children all look like they came out of a catelog. I think my children are georgeous, but I don't consider myself beautiful (though my husband does, but I don't). I also think these mormon moms who have these blogs might sugar coat things a little more and they sound like they are merry sunshine all day every day.

Those are my points to this article, and I will have to find this article and figure out how to post it in a hyperlink in my blog.

I am going to start blogging more to write down random thoughts and post what my children have accomplished, so I do not forget their milestones. I love being a mom and I never thought I would love it as much as I do. I thought I would miss working and I don't. I could stay at home and be a mom for the rest of my life and be happy. I would love to have another child in a few years as well. I forget everything about babies until I have another baby. I am enjoying every second I have with Paul, yet I get told that Paul is the second child syndrome. I do not get as many pictures of him like I did with Allison when she was a new baby. So I need to try to pick up the camera and take pictures daily, or weekly. That is a goal of mine. I don't want Paul to ask me when he gets older why there are not as many pictures of him. I also never thought I could love another child as much as I love my darling Allison. But I do I love my Paul just as much. Well, it's 10pm both children are asleep and so is my husband. I should try to drift off to sleep before Paul wakes up to me held or fed or cuddled with.

Here it Goes!

I found myself reading other blogs and realized I do not post as often as I should. Especially about what has been going on around here with our new addition.

Here it Goes! Life has been hectic. Getting used to a second child took a little getting used to but I think I've got the hang of it. I've figured out how to please both children at once, and I tell you it's a feat on it's own.

-3 years old
-loves to read
-has become a movie lover like her parents:)
-loves to play tea party
-loves anything and everything Disney Princess related
-carries purses and puts on mema's makeup and her own lip gloss
-plays with her Beauty and the Beast Castle
-likes to wrap and unwrap things
-HAS BEEN POTTY TRAINED!!! (took a day-one day-just potty though)
- talks like a little adult
-loves to sing church songs and princess songs
- is very much an entertainer
-a social butterfly
-Loves being a Sunbeam!

-2 months old
-13 pounds 23 inches long
-goes 3 to 4 hours between feedings
-can fall asleep on his own
-talks and complains constantly
-holds his head upon his own
-pushes off the ground
-gives tons of smiles and giggles
-is my little pooper
-has found his hands and thumbs for sucking
-still has hair!!
-loves his family