Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quite a Long Time

Wow, it has been quite a long time since I've posted anything. I don't get on the computer too much anymore. Having a now 3 year old keeps you pretty busy. Well, I try to keep her pretty busy with playdates, or library outings, or park outings, or just playing inside with toys and watching movies. This will probably be the last for a long while to come as well. Because soon we will be adding a baby boy to the mix. I have a scheduled c-section set for November 8th. I'm 35 weeks now and he'll be born at 39 weeks unless I go into labor earlier, which I am all for. But who knows what's in store. We still have no name for him. Alright, well my husband and daughter have named him "krakken" which is his in utero name and they want his name to be Chewbacca.'s cute, but mommy is vetoing that as his name. That will not be put on his birth certificate. But we're discussing names and hoping the lord gives us the poke we need that tells us that "that is his name". Haven't felt that nudge yet though.
All in All we had a good summer. I just had to indure being prenant the whole summer and I think summer has decided to come back for another round here in October. Cassidy went off to college this fall as well, and my daughter misses her aunt so very much. we didn't do much of anything this summer, but next summer we are planning a vacation!!! a much needed vacation, with the kids. i can not leave a 6 month old home without me at that age. my husband wants to desperately go on a cruise but it'll have to wait another few years. so we're thinking Mount Rushmore and the city next to it, or maybe we can do Niagra Falls?? we want to go somewhere out of state for a week at the most. we just need to get out of the state of Illinois and out of this town. We'd rather go on a vacation then visit family. we do have family, but we don't really consider that vacation.
hopefully i'll blog once this baby boy comes!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

exercise in moderation

I am still exercising but only in moderation. I take walks, or I go to the gym and walk on the treadmill and lift some light weights. I just need to keep up with it. Let's see if I can still loose weight this way. only time will tell.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

new workout

well i've been going to the gym and working out for a week. i'm very hopeful that I can keep it up. I met the goal that I gave myself for the week. This week I will be changing up my eating habits. The first week I just wrote down what I ate. now I'm going to assess what I ate and make changes so I can have the opportunity to reach farther then my goal for next week. I'm proud of myself.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Well I've decided that I am not going to keep up with the Wii Fit all the time. I will do it here and there but not everyday. I've actually been going back to the gym lately. I've gone Saturday and Monday. I am planning on going today and tomorrow. I have started a food diary. I've kept it up so far today is the fourth day of it! Right now I'm just writting down what I eat, next week I will assess what I eat and make a few changes. I know I would loose more weight faster if I cut out unhealthy snacks and sweets, but I just can't get rid of the sweets. As long as they are in the house I will eat some of it. But I have stopped buying the sweets, so the only person who buys sweets is my father in law. I have no problem with that. I also need to drink a lot more then I normally do. Especially a lot more water!! I've been running and walking on the treadmill at the gym. But you don't burn as many calories as you do if you were on the stair climber or the eliptical. So I don't know if I'm going to get back to the other ones over the treadmill. But I love the treadmill. In my walk/run I did 1 mile in 14 minutes. I want to be able to run a mile in 12 minutes, but I do not think I can run for 12 minutes. I need to loose more weight in order to do that, only because I feel my heart wanting to jump out of my chest when I run for more then a few minutes, at the pace I do. But I'm hoping once I loose 5 pounds that I will be able to run and not have that feeling. Maybe I need to loose 10 pounds. My goal is to loose 25-30 pounds. But that means I will have to change my eating habits and I will need to exercise more then I do. Here's to hoping I can do it. I just need to put my mind in that mind set that I need to loose this weight. fingers crossed!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wii fit

Another day tackled. I ended up working about 32 minutes on the wii fit. although i do not feel that i actually workout for a full 32 minutes. i feel that for every 40 seconds I do it says I did 2 minutes, which is not right and is not realistic. But I worked out mostly on strength and yoga. The strength always gets me. I feel it's testing my balance more then anything else and my balance is not good, especially when I'm asked to move and stay put while on one leg! The last thing I did was a 4 minute run with the wii fit. it calls it a long run. 4 minutes is not a long run. but the run kicked my bum! I will not be working out tomorrow as I have twoo root canals and it's Cassi's 18th Birthday! I atleast think I will still be getting the root canals, but I am in lots of pain in my teeth again and they may not want to work on them while they are infected, which i may have to get more antibiotics and then go back next week instead. I will see tomorrow and if the verdict is to wait until the infection is gone then I will workout. I just need to know before my appointment at 10am. So I will be calling first thing in the morning! Wish me luck, I'm terrified of dentists, even though they've come a long way.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wii Fit workout

I managed to get in a 30 minute workout on the Wii last night. But Allison still came to see where I was and what I was doing. It seems no one can keep her occupied for awhile while I'm working out. But I had 20 minutes of aerobics, in which I did 10 minutes of advanced step (they call it), and rhythm boxing for 10 minutes as well. To be honest the advanced step is not that advanced. I do not feel that I'm working out too much at all. But by the end of the workout, once I stop my heart is going pretty good, so maybe I am getting a workout. I just don't feel it. Then there's the boxing. I do feel the boxing as long as I put everything into it. The thing I do not like about the boxing is that you do the same things over and over again. I wish there were other things to do with it. But as long as I throw my punches from my hip like it says to I get tired pretty quickly. But the Wii remote doesn't pick up some of the things I do. After the aerobics I did a little bit of strength training. I get a bit of a workout with the strength training. The thing I hate about this is the trainer. I can't ever do axzactly what the trainer is doing. I don't feel I am doing the exercise right if I'm not matching the trainer on the television. Though I suprised myself last week when I was doing Yoga. I tried the shoulder stand and it took me a few tries to get my legs over my head, while laying down on my back but I did it! From there it was easy to get my legs up into the right position. But I was pretty proud of myself for that one. Well, it's getting to be pretty late in the morning and I need to get out of bed. Hopefully I will get some Wii Fit in today.

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Regime!

Alright, so I have not been keeping up with the Wii Fit. I need to find the time to workout on it. I would do it at nap time but I just want to relax with my daughter. So I am going to be trying to get it in when my hubby is home. This way he can keep our daughter entertained while I workout on the Wii Fit. I'm determinded to see if the Wii Fit actually works. But that means I have to start over. Also, I WILL be starting to journal my food. I'm going to do what my husband has done and he has lost lots of weight all on his own with just reading up on things about food and working out at home. He told me to start I need to write down everything I eat for the next few days and not to change anything to see what I eat. Then I can start changing my diet. So changing my diet and Wii Fit workout. Though I will not keep up with the Fit everyday, I will be going to workot at the gym or go for walks on some days. I have a gym membership I need to use it right? So here's to a re-start.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No Wii Fit yesterday

I did not do any Wii Fit yesterday. but I feel I exercised enough yesterday with the 30 minutes of snow plowing I did . I did a lot of snow shoveling by myself and felt it after I was finished. I thought since I did all of that today that that was a good workout for today. But I will be getting on the Wii Fit today! I also have a job interview at a bank today. I don't know if I'm looking forward to it or not. There are a lot of thoughts going through my head and I think most of my thoughts are for I'm not ready to get a part time job. I'm not ready to give up family time with Jason and Allison, and I'm not ready to give up mommy and Allison time as well as the thought of having another child. Because with getting a job there would be no thinking about wanting another baby. The only upsides I see to a job is being able to save money, which I don't see how we don't now, and being able to eventually get our own place. I have such a dilema but I will see how the interview goes atleast.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Wii Fit #8

Today is Monday and today was a busy day for me and Allison. I took Allison to story time at the library. After that we went to Jewel to get dinner that I would be making tomorrow. Then we went home, had lunch, and took a nap. after that I woke her up early from her nap and I took her to the Ogden Theater and watched The Princess and the Frog. Which by the way is a great Disney movie! That was our busy day. After dinner I managed to get a 35 minute workout on the Wii Fit. I got in 15 minutes of strength and yoga and 5 minutes of a Wii run. And that's about when Allison kept on coming and bringing me her tea set with a drink for me, so that was that.
I have also started to keep track of what I eat, well, not keep track but I watch what I eat. Breakfast I had an egg, lunch I wasn't too hungry so I had crackers and some cream cheese, not too much. I had a few handfuls of popcorn as well. Then I had a 100 calorie snack pack of chocolate cupcakes, then was dinner in which we had hamburgers with french fries all covered in gravy with carrots and cantaloupe. For dessert I had another 100 calorie pack. that was it! No more for the rest of the night. Well, Allison is yelling and I've got to get her to bed!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wii Fit workouts #6 and #7

OPPS! Forgot to write about my workout the other day. I'm getting it in today. So My last workout was on Friday. I only managed to get in 20 minutes of aerobics because little Allison had decided twenty minutes was way too long. I meant to get back to it later that night but we needed to get chili ingredients and then we were in bed by the time I realized it. I managed to do the 5 minutes step up workout, the 8 minute boxing workout and the 5 minute hula hoop workout!

I took Saturday off. Not on purpose, on accident. We were making chili all day and just having fun spending the day together all alone in the house while the grandparents and aunt went to see the movie The Blind Side. So I worked out today after church! Go me! I got in 28 minutes of aerobis first. Did a 10 minute boxing workout, a 5 minute aerobics workout, a hula hoop workout, another 5 minute aerobic workout, and another hula hoop workout. Then Allison was wanting my attention and daddy was asleep so I stopped for awhile. We had dinner and started the Superbowl! Then I decided I was going to finish my workout and I did! I did a half hour of strength training, I managed to do everything on the strength training except for the push ups and side planks, those push ups hurt my hands, because I have to do the push ups on the balance board and it's not ssmooth. Then I did a half hour of yoga training. I did everything on the yoga training as well! Even the shoulder stand and that took me awhile to get my legs over my head then straight up into the air! but I did it! I weighted myself after the first 30 minutes earlier and was happy to be back at the weight I started at in the beginning of last week. I managed to gain 2 pounds through the week. Then after dinner and after my last hour workout I weighted myself again and I am up 1.6 pounds!! I'm quite upset, something needs to change and I think it's my eating habits. So I am going to go out and get me a new notebook and I'm going to start writing down what I eat. I'm also going to drink more water, less diet soda, and no more snacks. Ok I will snack but I will make sure it is either 80 calorie yogurt or a fruit of some kind! Maybe that will help me loose the weight!! But tomorrow is the start of a new week and hopefully a better workout routine for the week.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wii Fit report #5

Alright today was not my best day when it came to exercising. Jason keeps on telling me to exercise when I put Allison down for a nap but I can not resist the urge to lay down as well and watch some television or just have some ME time that doesn't involve me running around.
But I did get in a tiny workout. I did 20 minutes of the strength training. I was hoping after the shopping trip for chili tonight I would have gotten in my other 20 minutes but I didn't. So my PLAN is to get an extra 20 minutes done tomorrow, so a full hour. Taking walks are starting to sound more appealing to me. I'm not liking the bosy test I take everyday. BEcause I've apparently gained 2 pounds!!!! Come on!!!! And it doesn't help when there are lots of yummy treats in this house. I can not resist them, must eat the sugar sweets!!!!!! I think I need a junk food intervention. I think once I put my mind to eating as healthy as Jason does then I could possibly drop the weight quicker. But the strength training kicked me tushy. I also have a gym membership, so why don't I do that as well, since I am paying for it. My goal is to still workout on the Wii Fit 5 days a week for now. But once the weather stops being weird then I will start going for walks!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wii Fit report #4

So yesterday was not that great of a day for me. By the time I was going to work out it was 10pm at night. So yesterday was my second day of not working out. I am going to work out tomorrow and Saturday. I did manage to get in my workout today!!! I did 20 minutes of Yoga, with the help of my beautiful daughter Allison and I did 20 minutes of aerobics! Hopefully tomorrow I will do 20 minutes of strength instead of yoga. I do feel that I am getting a workout when I'm doing the aerobics but I'm still not feeling too much with the yoga or strength. Maybe I'm still not doing it right. But I will try to fix that! The wii Fit also manages body tests for you to do daily to check out how you are coming along. Yesterday when I was done with the test my Wii fit age came in at 41 years old!!! Oh my goodness, I was not coordinated yesterday. But today when I did it my Wii Fit age was 26!!!! I'm 26 years old so I was very happy with that. But I know when I do it tomorrow I will be in the 30's somewhere. It always fluxuates (do not know how to spell that, sorry). Well, that was my report for the day, I do need to start eating better! My husband but out potatoes and noodles. He only eats meats, fish, salads, veggies, and fruits. He is a sucker for those Milk Duds. But he doesn't eat much of any sweet anymore. I wish I could be strong like him but I LOVE food. I tend to snack all day with allison. Maybe I should just not snack and when I do snack it isn't healthy. I'm going to strive to be better like my husband so I can loose weight like he is. I just don't think working out will do the trick. I'm also going to start exercising without the Wii as well. This way I can get in more. I think I will start to take walks with allison and do the Wii Fit. I think that may help me. My goal is to loose 30-35 pounds! My Wii Fit goal is to loose 23 pounds in 6 months. Here's to hoping I can get it done!!!! That's almost 2 pounds a week. I will report in tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wii Fit day 3

I managed to fit in another day of the Wii Fit with toddler in tow. I got in 34 minutes today. I would have gone longer but my daughter was bothering me the whole time. I really should try to do this when she naps but I just want to relax when she naps.
I did 20 minutes of aerobis today. I did some step ups, some intense hula hooping, and some more boxing! Then I did some strength training, various ones about 8 minutes of strength training and I did 6 minutes of some yoga. My goal by the end of the week should be 20 minutes of aerobics, 20 minutes of strength, and 20 minutes of yoga. the only problem with this Wii Fit is that you log more time on aerobics then on the other two. so I don't know. I can tell you this, I am not stable when doing the exercises, atleast that is what the thing tells me. But who is stable when they're moving around??? Well, so far this week 4 days are done, three days Wii Fit and one day off. I will be Wii Fiting on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! And if I'm up to it Saturday, but I may take that day off as my second day. But I will try not to take it off. Does anyone else who reads this and has a Wii Fit, do you feel like you are getting a workout on the strength?? I really don't, but maybe I'm just doing it wrong???

Late Wii report #2

Sunday had come and gone and low and behold I did not Wii Fit that day. So I took that day as day 1 break. Yeah I know I had only done the Wii Fit the day before, why did I need a break, right??? Well I did get my half hour Wii Fit in on Monday!!!
I did about 12 minutes of aerobics. Steps and boxing. The boxing is FUN!! Then I did about 12 minutes of strength training. I really need to work on those jackknifes. the cool thing about the Wii Fit is that it tells you what strength work outs to do with the Yoga to get the area of interest worked out to the max. After the strength training I did some yoga to end it up. I still don't feel like I am really working out though. Maybe I should try a little harder huh? I am thinking about getting Wii Fit 2. Maybe that'll have more things for me to play with. I'm going to Wii Fit today as well. I should be doing that right now but we've been busy today.
I went over to the Wilsons home with Allison so her and Jenny Caldwell could visit teach me while our children played. We were going to go to the library but that didn't work out. We lost track of time, opps! But still the kids love to play. I just have to get Allison to learn to share. Being an only child sucks sometimes with the sharing. But after that lovely visit Jason called to be picked up for lunch today. So off we went to Jewel and then we picked up Jason and had lunch at McDonalds. I did pretty well, got a chicken sandwich (minus the maya) and a side salad with balsalmic vinnegrette (only used half the dressing) and I shared a medium diet coke. We finally got home about 12:40pm. And Allison went right down for a nap. I was hoping when I got home that the kitchen would have been magically cleaned but nope the cleaning fairy did not come. It's alright though, it doesn't take too long to clean up, about 20-30 minutes. I did however clean up the living room this morning (put Allisons toys away). I left a blanket out and didn't fold it and I didn't vaccuum, but I did clean. So once Allison was asleep I went downstairs and cleaned the kitchen and brought in the few groceries I bought. Now I am going to add something else to our taxes and get them mailed out today, or tomorrow. Hopefully I will get Wii Fit in this afternoon, before Jason gets home from work!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wii Fit Day 1

And she's off!!!!! I started the Wii Fit training today. I gave myself 6 months to loose 22 pounds. Lets see if I can do it!!! I want to know if this Wii Fit actually works. I'm only using the Wii Fit, not the Wii Fit 2nd Edition.
Today I started out slow. I only did 30 minutes of combined workouts. I did a few Yoga poses, a few strength exercises, and a few aerobics exercises. I managed to work a total of 32 minutes today. That will be my goal for the first week. 30 minutes a day.
I think I will try it this way. 10 minutes of Yoga training, 10 minutes of Strength training, and 10 minutes of aerobics workouts. It's going to be hard though because you get more minutes doing the aerobics workouts.
The last time I started the Wii Fit I didn't feel like I was getting any exercise with it. But I am going to give it another shot, especially since I have it. So only time will tell. I am hopefully going to get in a 30 minute workout everyday. But I am not sure that'll happen. so my goal will be 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for the first week. Then I will go from there. So my first day worked well for me, now the hard part, trying to do this for 30 minutes a day with a toddler running around. Maybe I should do it while she naps. I will try to post everyday that I work out on the Wii Fit to keep track on what I do and how long I do it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time to Change

Well, I think I'm in a funk and it's time for a change. I need to start exercising again atleast three times a day. I've just got to get motivated to do it. I guess the motivation should be to lose 30 pounds right? That's what I want to lose, I have lost 5 pounds, from not eating nearly as much as I used to. But I'm not necessarily changing my diet, just eating less. It's hard to change my diet with a 2 year old and how expensive it is to do so in the first place. I've got a gym membership, I need to use it. I've also got the Wii Fit and quite a few workout tapes. I just never feel I'm doing the tapes right, and I don't feel I'm getting any results on the Wii Fit. I don't feel like I've worked out after I've done it for 30 minutes. Hmm.....I think I'm going to try to Wii Fit again, and make it my goal to workout on it 5 days a week for a month and see if I've managed to lose anything.
But I'm also in a baby funk. I wold like to try to have another baby but my husband is a no go. I'm not going to try without him on board and I do not think he will ever be on board. I don't understand why since he grew up with a much bigger family then myself. I would like Allison to have one sibling atleast. I would be fine with two children. I just don't want Allison to be alone like I was, but at this rate I think she will be alone. Either that or she'll be 5 years older then her sibling, if he ever wants another child. I hate these baby blues, I really wish they would flee from my thoughts for more than a week!!
Well those are my thoughts and this is why I need to change my routine and habits. Maybe I'll be a happier and much better person to be around then. So, I think I will start writing about my Wii Fit status every time I workout on it and I will weigh in every week to see if I've lost anything. I'm also thinking about the Special K challenge. Two challenges in one!! Only time will tell.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Oh I think I might just die if I have to watch another Alvin and the Chipmunks cartoon. this is Allisons thing right now. She loves them. I watch it atleast twice a day. I think she needs a detox. On another note Allison has been asking me for a baby lately. She wants me to have a baby for her. But alas there will be no baby until Jason is ready to start trying again. But I'm alright with that. On a good note, I have applied to another part time job today and I will be mailing in another resume to another job hopefully tomorrow, if not then on Monday. So I am looking. I applied for three jobs a few weeks ago as well. Well, that was my update for the day. Someone is finally coming over to fix the roof tomorrow morning at 8am and I will be up and ready for him. I will also hopeflly make it to playgroup unless I'm absolutely needed to stay home tomorrow morning. I will know tomorrow. Until then.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stressed to the Max

Oh boy am I a big stress mess. I've been talking with my husband and I need to get a part time job. It's the only way we can save money. And I keep on thinking how much worse it would be for us if we didn't live with his parents. We'd have even more bills then we already have, and one bill is all mine and it's that stupid student loan payment.
I keep on getting told I'm not looking hard enough for a part time job that is suitable for me. The thing is I AM LOOKING!!!! I just don't know where to look, I've hit a dead end. Since I also have a 2 year old I have to think of some form of childcare for her that won't cost an arm and a leg. That's why I'm thinking about part time evening jobs, but it's not what my husband wants me to do. The thing that he doesn't understand is, there is nothing THAT I CAN THINK OF in the evening that is acceptable for him. Someone, anyone if you're reading this, please help me, give me advice, SOMETHING!!!!!!
Well that was my little jist for the day. Wish I cold talk more but I've got a dinner to check up on and a little one to look after. Until next time:)

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Fresh Start

Alright, this will be a fresh start. I thought I would start a blog and use it and I didn't. so one of my resolutions this year is to try to keep a regular blog. But who knows what will happen. Life has been good. The Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas season was wonderful.

We took Allison trick or treating on Halloween. We only did two cul-de-sacs. The last house we went to scared the little bear. She went to grap candy out of the bowl and the fog blower blew onto her and she ran away as fast as she could! she was pretty much done after that and it was cold for Halloween.

For Thanksgiving we went to visit Cindee and her family in Jacksonville Illinois. About an hour and a half south from here. It was great. We had good food, went and saw A Christmas Carol at the theater, spent time together with the whole family (though we missed Michael and the Hunsaker Family), spent the night and came back home the next day. The monday after thanksgiving was no fun here though. I got the stomach flu and was sick in bed for 24 hours. I then managed to pass some form of it around to everyone in the house, Allison was the only one who didn't get much of anything thank goodness. But for the rest of the week someone else in the house was sick. But eventually we all got better.

Then came Christmas. We put up the tree and decorated it as well as the rest of the house a few weeks before Christmas. We also realized that we couldn't put any Christmas presents under the tree without Allison throwing a deadful fit for not being able to open them. So the only presents we put under the tree are the ones she helped us wrap. Everything else had to wait until after she was asleep Christmas Eve Night. One of my favorite things that we do on Christmas is bake cookies and bring them to friends. We also read the birth story of Jesus in the Bible on Christmas Eve and we read The Night before Christmas. Christmas Day we opened presents. Allison had a moutain of presents to open and she ended up waiting to open her presents until she was ready and after she was finished playing with the previous present. I will have pictures soon! But Christmas was great as it always is.

Then came New Years. I was determinded to stay up till midnight, but as my luck had it I fell asleep 10 minutes before midnight. I woke up 10 minutes after midnight. The night was uneventful for us. But January 1st is the family annual finger foods day!!! We make lots of delicious treats and snack in two waves all day and into the night. Cindee and her family came to visit that day. We exchanged more presents, played games, hung out, and shared good food.

It is now January 8th and the Christmas decorations are all put away. Both Allison and I are sick once again. This time I think I have a sinus infection and my throat has been hurting me for 4 days now. Allison is just stuffy but she also has this nasty cough and coughs up stuff, but then swallows it instead of spitting it up. We are going to the doctor this afternoon to make sure we don't have anything that is in need of any antibiotics.

Goals for this year are to get Allison to sleep in her own room all night long with no problem. also to get Allison potty trained. I have a weight loss goal like everyone else does and I want to lose 35 pounds. I'm aready down 5 pounds, but I think it's from being sicj so it doesn't count. Jason and I both want to go on a vacation. An actual vacation and not just to visit other family members. So we are going to do that this year!! And I am going to try to save more money then I have been doing. We should be able to save almost a $1,000 a month and we only get $150 saved a month. So that needs to change, mainly I need to do things that don't cost money and I need to stay home instead of shopping a few times a week. So far, so good on that goal.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll update on my darling 2 year old Allison next time and talk about her adventures and her terrible two's!!! Until then.....