Friday, May 29, 2009

Been awhile

Well's been quite awhile since I've last posted anything. Heather Haskin, now Caufield (i think that's how you spell it) had her wedding last week and it was beautiful. I love the cake. Then again I'm biased since I made it. I will have to post a picture on here, I have pictures as I think Heather does as well, I have just been a little busy or lazy to get them on the computer.
Memorial Day was fun for us. Jason, Allison, and I went to the zoo again, except this time it was just the three of us. That was a first, and Allison was a good little girl. She's starting to become much more of a well behaved little girl now. She is funny though, when we were passing by the camels she pointed to one that was lying down and she said "night, night". She loves to point out the obvious which is adorable!!
Yesterday I took her to Petland, since we haven't been there in a long time and she had a ball. She loves to see the puppies more through the window then play with them. Although she desperately wants a puppy to play with. there is a dog in the house but he's getting old and he doesn't play anymore. When we were there she even wanted to see the birds and hampsters, which was nice. I attempted to pick up a hamster and the little sucker bit me!! so after that little Allison would go up to them and say "no bite (while shaking her finger at them)". Then it was time to leave, and she did well (as no fit throwing). She noticed that they were napping so once again she would point to each and every one we passed and said "night, night".
She's growing up to be sch a big girl. She talks in complete sentences now and we understand her. Today when it was time for a nap she said no, but I preceded to go upstairs anyways and told her to follow as my hands were full of things. And you know what, she was such a good girl, she came up the stairs right after me!! What a big girl!!! Now don't tell her daddy that I let her climb the stairs whenever she wants. He would have a hayday. But he doesn't understand that Allison can get up and down the stairs all by herself no problem and I trust her. He doesn't, then again he is not around her as much as I am. We've got to let our little baby grow up:(

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Chronicles of Allison

My 20 month old says the funniest things. She's cleaning up her language more and more now. We all understand her most of the time. But yeaterday was just beyond funny. I had a small glass of a drink and I was sharing it with Allison. Well, I finished the drink, she looked inside the cup, looked at me, and demandingly said "Get More!"
I could not believe she just told me that. I know we shouldn't do it but we of coarse laughed when she said it. Well, she wasn't joking. She went into the kitchen (where grandpa) was. He was getting something out of the fridge and so she grabbed the diet caffiene free pepsi bottle from the fridge and brought it to me. She meant business!!! It was very funny to all of us at that time, and she is always doing things like this now!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cake Class Final

I had my final cake class mid week last week. I made the most beautiful cake I've made to date. I'll be starting my fourth cake class tomorrow. Learning how to stack cakes. Which I could probably do if I looked it up, but I like having classes. It gives me something to do. Also, everything on this cake is edible!

Friday, May 1, 2009

What is that?

The Tummy Tub has come to America. I'm pretty sure most of you have heard of this by now, it's been on the Today Show now. It's a tub you put your infant child in designed to mimic the womb. I guess it is a pretty good idea. But I do not know if I could put my child in that. Maybe if I have another child I would. It just looks a little weird. It looks as though your putting your child into a see-through bucket. It's sold for $45. That's a little too expensive for me right now, but maybe in the future?