Monday, May 16, 2011

Birth Story

2nd picture is Allison and the 1st is Paul (me holding him)
I just read someone's birth story because their sweet little girl is turning one this week. That got me to thinking about both of my birth stories.
My first birth story is a lot different from my second one. I remember weeks before my due date, just dreading being pregnant anymore. I was bound and determined to try EVERYTHING I could to get that child out!!! At one point I thought my water had broke a few weeks early and went to the hospital, only to get sent home STILL PREGNANT!!!! It turned out to be bath water. BUMMER!!!! Then I had my last check up and was still very much pregnant (and that was a few days after my due date). So they asked if I wanted to be induced that Friday and I jumped at it!!! I said HECK YES!!!! So we went into the hospital at 7am ready to go. Got the pitocin and waited for the contractions. Mind you I had not dialated one bit before then. So at first the contractions were not painful. I was doing great. Then all of a sudden they started to hit me HARD! At that time I had told Jason to go and get some lunch, it was lunch time. So it figures that as soon as he had gone to eat I would hurt BAD!!! The doctor came in to check me and I was only at a 3cm!!! I was thinking SERIOUSLY a 3!! I told him to check again, surely he had to be wrong?!?! After that I was able to get Jason back into the room and tell him I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL!!!!!! So I got the epidural and I thought he was a WONDERFUL MAN! Took all the pain away, and I was able to sleep!!! Then at about 5pm I stopped progressing. I was at an 8 at that time. But we waited it out for a few hours in hopes I would progress. The doctor came in and still NOTHING, NADA, NO CHANGE! But we decided (the doctor) that I could wait another couple of hours. By the time 9pm came, I was still 8cm!!!! Obviously my daughter Allison had NO intension on coming out. But at that point the doctor decided I had waited at that stage for way to long, and all of a sudden I had a rush of people coming in to prep me and take me to the OR. It was deemed an emergency c-section, due to lack of progression. So I got scared. I had never seen that many people in my room at once the whole time I was there. And we were out of the room in like 15 minutes flat.
At that point another man came into the OR and gave me more medicine in my epidural to numb me more. Then I got the shakes and could not stop the shaking. After another 15 minutes or so with Jason by my side, Allison was born!!!! At that point I was uncomfortable and asked for the medicine that would make me drouzy. I got to see Allison and then I was out. Jason stills remembers that as the funniest he's ever seen me. Aparently I kept on waking up to ask how she was, how big was she, and where was she?? she was in daddy's arms the whole time, just as perfect as could be. Once the medicine wore off I was great. I can take pain like no other person. I was up and walking the following day! I am a SUPER RECOVERY PERSON:) I needed to walk around and they let me. Then we were able to take home our precious first born a few days later and I never took any pain killer for the pain, besides tylenol once or twice. I was never really in any pain either.
Fast forward three years later, and I was pregnant with little Paul (who happens to be 6 months old now!!!) Paul was a scheduled c-section. I was told I had a 50/50 chance of having a normal delivery and I opted for a c-section since I did so well with the last one. Good thing too, Paul was bigger then Allison. I went in a week before my due date and was preped and in the OR two hours after we got there. This time the medicine did not make me shake and I stayed awake because I had nothing to put me to sleep. I recovered just as well the first time. I was walking around that evening! The nurses thought I hadn't even had a c-section I was doing so well. Aparently other women were screaming and crying because of the pain. Not me:) I do not know where I get the powers that be that let me have no pain but I like it. So now I have two beautiful children. One that I just signed up to go to preschool in the fall!!! She'll be 4 in September!!! Can you believe it?? And Paul is 6 months!!! Time sure does fly!!

1 comment:

  1. that is so beautiful. I cannot wait to have my own kids.
