Friday, May 20, 2011

Spot the change?

Can you see what a friend did to this picture? So much fun!
So I've been wondering a lot on if I am a likeable person?? I seem to not think I am as I never really get called to go and hang out with anyone and their kids. Though it could just be that the other people are too busy to hang out. But I'n not sure of that. I have to call to set up a playdate or something, it is never the other way around. Though I've become great friends with a dear friend who lives a block from us and we get together 2 times a week with the kids. I don't know how summer is going to turn out though, since her oldest is 10, then she has a 4 year old and a 6 month old. My two kids are her two youngest ages.
But seriously ,those that read my blog (I doubt many do read) am I not a likeable person?? I think I need to focus on other people and not on me.
Or it all could just be the craziness inside my head.


  1. I'm super bad at keeping up with blogs, so I'm just now reading this. You are definitely likeable. Don't doubt it. I have never called anyone to set up a play date...I guess play dates just aren't something I've gotten around to doing yet. I'm guessing Katelyn will want them more when the baby comes. I'll be sure to call you. :)

    p.s. The picture cracked me up.

  2. I think all new Moms have difficulty making friends (or a lot of them). Don't beat yourself up too much, and who knows, maybe you'll find a good play group group soon?

  3. All the best in finding new friends! Don't get too worried or anxious :)
