Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mobile Bound!

It's been quite a long time since I've posted and I think I need to update more. So I can keep track of my childrens milestones!!

-going into preschool in a few months
-turning 4 in a few months!!!
-is learning how to sleep in her own room!!!!
-such a good big sister!
-makes me laugh all the time
-can be such a little DIVA!
-thinks SHE is the boss of everyone
-had 4 weeks of summer camp from 9-1 every day and LOVED it!!!!

-will not sleep through the night:(
-is 18lbs 9oz and 28inches long!
-has learned to CRAWL two weeks ago today!!!!
-is pulling himself up to stand on everything!
-is super fast at crawling now
-just turned 9 months old!!!!
-is iron deficient:(
-had his first ear infection a month ago (gets horrible high fevers with them)
-LOVES the water!!
-always has to try to throw himself into the bathtub
-is very mischievious

I need to get pictures from the last few months onto my computer so I can post them up. That'll be with my next post, which will hopefully NOT be SO LONG from now:)


  1. Hey Alexis! We got that sprinkler ball from Target! :)

  2. My little guy didn't get any teeth until a week and half before his first birthday six came through at the same time!! I felt bad for both of us...haha

  3. Your kids are super cute! How fun that you will be able to look back and tell them when they hit there milestones.
