Friday, February 25, 2011

Chili Cookoff and kids

So, we have a wonderful professional photographer in our Ward at church and she always brings her camera to events. So since all 7 of the babies that were born within 45 days of eachother were at the chili cookoff she took the oppurtunity to take a group shot! Here's the picture I like. Paul is the only one in a sleeper (only because he pooped through his other outfit). He's the second to last one on the right. The kids are almost in birth order as well. Just the two in the middle need to switch then the oldest starts on the left on October 5 and the last one on the right ends on November 18th.

-her surgery went great
-she's almost back to her old self
-sounds like minnie mouse right now
-great big sister who always helps out when needed and plays with her brother:)
-loves to give hugs to her friends even if they don't want to hug her
-says she loves her friends, which is very sweet.
-still takes the pacifier!!
-off of her sleep schedule, which means for 11pm bedtime:(
-3 years old and 6 months weighs 29 pounds

-can push his chest off the floor and keep it up!
-has learned to roll from front to back, but can't do the opposite yet
-has started to giggle, but doesn't do it much
-has realized when mom leaves the room and starts to cry
-is starting to sleep in his room in his crib!!!!!!!!
-is almost 4 months old and weighs 14 pounds 8 ounces! (half of his sisters weight)
-a very easy going baby
-loves to hold onto toys and stuffed animals (mainly bites and sucks on them)
-still trying to figure out how to get his thumb in his mouth and how to keep it there but sometimes chokes on his fingers

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