Saturday, April 18, 2009

The day after

This week has been a very eventful week. My daughter Allison (19 months old) had her first surgery on Friday. Granted the surgery was a simple procedure, but for those of you who are mothers, you understand what I went through. She got PE tubes put into her ears. I was pretty scared when they told me that she needed to be put to sleep in order to do the procedure but it would only take 10 minutes in the operating room. And boy were they right! My husband had gotten himself some tea while we were in the waiting room and his tea had not cooled down before she was finished with her surgery. The worst part of all of it was her coming out of the annesthesia. But she was back to her normal self after she had a long nap!
Allison has such a unique personality. She has the biggest heart especially when it comes to animals. She loves to chase the dog and cat around the house and she will sit through an entire movie as long as it has animals in it. I have so many stories to tell about my daughter and you will hear them all, but I am still in my pajamas and it is 11am! I have a movie date with my husband at 1pm. Farewell all!

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