Monday, January 24, 2011

Lazy Day

It's Monday and we consider Monday's lazy days. Well, I have declared it so. I am still in my pajamas here, but I did dress my kids. So maybe I should get dressed and eat.
I feel kinda like a bad parent sometimes. I let my daughter watch movies all day on Mondays. For the most part she comes and goes and plays and watches a little bit. But I don't really care. I try to teach my daughter but she gets stressed out after 2 minutes of me trying to teach her something.
I forgot to put a diaper on my daughter last night as well. She slept all night in her underwear. She hasn't had a wet diaper at night for almost a month now anyway but I still put one on her just in case. Well, after last night I will no longer put her in diapers. So she is done with diapers! Horray!!! We've accomplished the potty completely:)
My poor baby Paul has caught this god awful cold again. He had it for a month with constant congestion and a congested cough but nothing can be done for him medicine wise since he is 2 months old. Well he got rid of it a few weeks ago, but alas it has made it's ugly return:( So suctioning of the nose, steam showers, and the humidifier is what I do for him. I say enough already and give him some medicine. Part of me hopes he gets a fever so he can get some much needed medicine.
So it's time to get dressed and eat some breakfast, while watching Happy Feet with my darling daughter. Though sometimes she's not a darling. The joys of pulling a 3 year old off of a 2 month old. She does not understand that she is too big to be putting all her weight onto her brother! I'm pretty sure whoever reads this and has other children know what I am talking about and have been there. Have a good day!

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