Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nap Time

Oh how I LOVE the nap time at my house. It gives me time to myself to watch whatever I want without the interruption of my daughter. But she is three and a half years old and she really doesn't need a nap. So sometimes she doesn't take a nap and goes to bed at a decent time. So I'm debating whether or not to not have naps anymore. Though not having naps leaves for an even longer day for me. I feel like the day goes on for many hours longer then it should. I guess I can just let her decide if she wants to nap or not. I think she'd rather not nap. It might just be time to let her give them up. Instead I can enforce quiet time where she sits or lays down and watches a movie.
Once she wakes up for a nap we will go over to a friends house for some play time. I am going to invite them over here next week so we can switch on and off. Except children do not understand the words STAY DOWNSTAIRS. NO UPSTAIRS. It's easier to keep track of them that way. I also think about the fact that Allison has nothing but girl toys and no boy toys, so does a 4 year old boy really want to come over to a girls house and play?? I mean even her lego's are pink. My poor baby boy will need some boy toys when he gets old enough to play. Which my husband will be very happy about. He says "boy toys" are much more fun then "girl toys". I think he's tired of playing dollhouse all the time:) But when it comes to inviting kids over to my house I'm fine with it, but I do not think I am ready to have someone drop off their child to play with Allison for me to watch two 3 year olds and a baby. I don't think I'll be ready for that for awhile. I think I'd rather have the mom come and hang out as well. That and I like having some adult time with a friend.
I'm finishing up my weekly Grey's Anatomy fix then off for a playdate.

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